Una gran ventaja de este activador, es que ya se puede aplicar a Windows 8.1 sin problema alguno y en modo previo a Windows 10. Las funciones de personalización de instalación de Microsoft Office (Personalizar Pestaña de configuración), AutoKMS desinstalador (si está instalado AutoKMS), AutoRearm desinstalador (si está instalado AutoRearm), Oficina Uninstaller y Product Key Checker funcionan incluso si Microsoft Office o de Windows no está instalado / compatibles. Todas las funciones se ejecutan en segundo plano y la interfaz gráfica está deshabilitado para evitar la ejecución de múltiples funciones, ya que podrían entrar en conflicto o causar daños si se ejecutan simultáneamente.

Todas las salidas de estas funciones se muestra en la consola de la Información. and the Microsoft Toolkit application are in no way related to, operated or owned by Microsoft Corporation.Este es un conjunto de herramientas y funciones para la gestión de las licencias, la implementación y la activación de Microsoft Office y Windows.

So why not Download Microsoft Toolkit for Windows 8.1, 8, 7 and 10 from the Official Microsoft Toolkit website now? It should be noted that this software is only for personal testing purposes and we do not endorse its use for piracy.

Once you have downloaded and executed Microsoft Toolkit, your Microsoft Office and Windows products will be fully activated and able to receive official Microsoft updates in the same way as a fully licensed copy. Every 90 days a request is made to the KMS server by your installed Microsoft products, so it is important for Microsoft Toolkit to be continually running as a service on your machine to answer these requests. Microsoft Toolkit mimiks this technology by creating an emulated instance of a KMS server on your machine, answering the activation requests of your Windows / Office installation by providing it with a pre-generated volume license key. “KMS” (Key Management Service) is a technology developed by Microsoft that provides large corporations with the ability to license products such as Windows and Office in bulk.

Microsoft Toolkit was created to allow easy activation of all Microsoft Windows (Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7) and Microsoft Office (Office 2003, Office 2007, Office 2010, Office 2013, Office 2016) products via a process called KMS. Microsoft Toolkit 2.6.6 (also know as EZ-Activator) is a set of tools created by CODYQX4, and originally made available via the forums.